- 產品介紹 -
Unistats 系列產品主要應用於化學反應程序,例如反應裝置的溫度控制,壓力反應槽、實驗室試驗、反應程序以及熱量計算等。Unistats 系列具有獨特的熱力學溫度控制系統,溫度控制精確,結果重複性好。加熱和製冷的速率快,溫度範圍寬,無需更換導熱液體。Unistats 系列帶有導航功能表的5.7 寸彩色觸控式螢幕。工作溫度範圍從-45 到 +250°C。

Unistats are predestined for applications in process and chemical engineering, such as temperature control of reactors, autoclaves, Miniplant/Pilot systems, reactor blocks and calorimeters. Unistat temperature control systems with their unique thermodynamics provide highly accurate and reproducible results, guaranteeing the shortest heating and cooling times and a wide temperature range without fluid change. Environmentally and economically Unistats stand out, offering natural refrigerants and an efficient energy management system for reduced operating costs.