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Pope Fractional Distillation System(POPE分餾式蒸餾系統/精餾設備)的工作原理是這樣的:一部分蒸汽離開液面,在柱內冷凝,當它再流回罐中時,會對與其相似的分子有一種吸引力,使它們離開蒸汽。蒸汽向上運動通過柱體時,液體與蒸汽之間的接觸會加劇,這樣就促進了那些蒸汽中較易揮發的成分濃縮。這種現象被稱之為分餾(或精餾),它是分離單個成分非常有效的方法,也是任何形式的簡易罐式蒸餾器無法實現的。
當返回的冷凝物(或回流)和上升的蒸汽達到平衡時,就會產生一個理論塔板。蒸餾器的分離能力取決於理論塔板的數量和返回到煮罐中液體比例(即回流率) 。簡易罐式蒸餾器僅有一個理論塔板,無法控制回流率,幾乎不會產生分餾,結果就是得到純度不夠的蒸餾物。

Fractional Distillation Systems for Purification, Fractionation, and Solvent Recovery

The separation of volatile components (fractionation) can be achieved using Pope's state-of-the-art line of fractional distillation equipment systems, (Fractional Columns). Fractional distillation is particularly suitable for critical applications that require separation of complex mixtures such as fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals, foods, flavors, cosmetics, extracts, etc. – anywhere where a finer level of purity is needed or when component’s boiling points are close.

Fractional distillation equipment is available in a multiple range of sizes from the lab scale solvent recovery through processing scale. Pope specializes in mid-size fractionation columns. These precision designed fractionations units fill the gap between small laboratory bench scale fractional distillation units and large process systems for critical applications. The 1 - 100 gal/hr throughput capacity is ideal for pilot plants and for applications requiring small runs.

Utilizing Pope’s engineering expertise for fractional distiller equipment, we provide assistance with design, (including evaluation for theoretical plates, plus energy required for desired separation), and can determine the necessary components for the best configuration for your needs. The fractional distillation unit is then manufactured, tested and delivered. Installation and in plant training are more features available to complete the complex distillation processing solution.

Fractional Distillation Equipment is available as:

  • Batch or continuous feed applications
  • 1 to 100 gal/hr range of throughput capacities
  • 1" and larger packed column diameters, in standard flanged sections
  • 316-L stainless steel (glass & special alloys available)
  • Wide variety of column packings & internals
  • Turnkey fractional column systems, partial systems & individual components