- 產品介紹 -

浸入式恒溫控制器可以與不銹鋼槽和透明的聚碳酸酯水浴槽結合使用,也可以單獨使用。可通過螺旋夾固定在任意一款浴槽上。與製冷浴槽結合使用,最低溫度到-30°C。所有型號都帶有強有力的壓力泵和吸收泵,符合安全等級 III級 (FL可使用可燃性液體)。配件泵適配器用於外迴圈控溫,冷卻盤管用於連接到冷水源上。

  Immersion thermostats are the basis for many device combinations with polycarbonate or stainless steel bath vessels. There is a universally usable screw clamp in the scope of delivery for the thermostats to be very easily mounted on any desired vessels. Negative temperatures of down to -30°C can be realised in combination with a a refrigerated bath. All models are fitted with a powerful pressure/suction pump and meet the requirements of Safety Class III (FL) for use with flammable fluids. A pump adapter for external temperature control and cooling coils for a cooling water connection can be obtained as accessories.
