- 產品介紹 -

熱交換站HTS系統,帶有循環泵和 Pilot ONE控制器,結構緊湊,提供穩定的壓力和精確的工作溫度。使用板式熱交換器,沒有任何的製冷設備,HTS系統更安靜,高效,節能,可以經濟地代替冷卻水循環器使用。HTS系統適用於循環精確控溫,例如生物反應器等。

  Heat exchanger system HTS with a circulation pump for primary side connection to an existing supply of cooling water. These compact circulation coolers provide a cooling circuit with a stable pressure and delivery stream as well a precisely adjustable operating temperature. The cooling capacity is generated using a plate heat exchanger over the attached cooling water. Since there is no active chiller present the devices run quietly, in an energy saving manner, and represent an economic alternative to conventional chillers. HTS systems are suitable for exact temperature control of external applications such as Peltier elements, bioreactors, etc.
