- 產品介紹 -

啤酒專用的老化測定儀有水冷和氣冷兩種。所有型號配有自動溫度循環程式編輯器。老化測定儀的溫度24小時在0到60°C 之間的溫度可以程式變化。符合安全等級III級 (FL使用可燃性液體)。採用全不銹鋼材質。

     We offer a special heating and cooling thermostat for the Beer-Forcing test. The unit is fitted with a programmer for automatic temperature cycles. The changing the temperature between 0 and 60 °C in a cycle time of 24 hours artificial aging of the beer is achieved. All models meet the requirements of Safety Class III (FL). The housing and all parts which come into contact with the fluid are made out of high quality stainless steel.
